中国産有核淡水真珠の呼称、識別に関する注意喚起 / Warning concerning the designation and identification of nucleated freshwater pearls from China

これらの真珠を「チャイニーズアコヤ」「ベビーアコヤ」「フレッシュウォーターアコヤ」などと称して販売されている事例が報告されています。米国ではAGTA(米国宝石取引協会)の機関誌において、「チャイニーズアコヤに騙されるな」~Don’t Be Fooled by “Chinese Akoyas”—They’re Actually Bead-Nucleated Chinese Freshwater Pearls~という記事が掲載され、日本産アコヤ真珠と混同しないように注意喚起を促しています。中国産有核淡水真珠は、これまで主流であった無核淡水真珠に比べ球形率が高く、小さなサイズではアコヤ真珠と、大きなサイズではシロチョウ真珠、クロチョウ真珠と肉眼での識別が困難なものも流通しています。さらにそれらの真珠と混ぜられて流通する実例もあり、真珠業界において問題視されています。つきましては、真珠を販売、購入する際には必ず母貝種名(アコヤ、シロチョウ、クロチョウ等)を明確にし、店頭、広告等における商品名の表記、納品書等の取引書類にも母貝種名の記述を徹底するようお願い致します。

Warning concerning the designation and identification of nucleated freshwater pearls from China
In recent years, large numbers of nucleated, nearly spherical freshwater pearls from China have been cultured. Cases have been reported of these pearls being sold under the names ‘Chinese Akoya’, ‘Baby Akoya’, ‘Freshwater Akoya’, etc. In the USA, the AGTA (American Gem Trade Association) published an article in its journal, Don’t Be Fooled by ‘Chinese Akoyas’-They ‘re Actually Bead-Nucleated Chinese Freshwater Pearls~, urging people not to confuse them with Japanese Akoya pearls. Chinese nucleated freshwater pearls have a higher sphericity than the previously mainstream non-nucleated freshwater pearls, and some are distributed in sizes that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, such as Akoya pearls in small sizes and white and black lipped pearls in larger sizes. There are also cases of pearls being mixed with these pearls and distributed, which is regarded as a problem in the pearl industry. Therefore, when selling or purchasing pearls, please ensure that the name of the mother shell species (Akoya, White lipped, Black lipped, etc.) is made clear, and that the name of the product is indicated on the shop front, in advertisements, and on transaction documents such as delivery receipts.